stok yg tersedia (tidak tertulis berarti kosong) :
merah 2.2mm : tanyakan stoknya
~ catatan : kondisi cover tidak mulus, namun karet masih utuh dan mulus bagian tengah.
review : http://www•tabletennisdb•com/rubber/xiom-omega-…
review : http://mytabletennis•net/forum/forum_posts•asp?…
review : http://ooakforum•com/viewtopic•php?f=44&t=2…
Phased dynamics in the energy transfer between a ball and a rubber determines the rubber performance.
Traditionally phased physical dynamics has been developed to produce
the maximized spin and speed easily at lower swing speed.
But the table tennis professionals can deliver solid contacts to the ball at higher swing speed.
Their energy can be transferred more efficiently and precisely with the new dynamics,
specially phased for the professional play.
OMEGA V focused on the new dynamic mechanism for top professionals.
Solid clicking, energy-charged repulse, and precise energy transfer allows
the advantageous edge in small and big shots of the professional game.
Experience the new dynamics and Win with us.