bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : krim
thickness : 2.0 mm
hardness : medium soft
review :
speed : 99
spin : 97
control : 65
Bestseller for many years, the Fastarc S-1 is used by many top players.
Soft strong sponge with TENSION SPEED sheet.
For offensive play.
Excellent Speed and Control. (+ light-weight)
Fastarc S1 is a soft version in Fastarc family.
The increase of control slightly reduces the speed, but the power is maintained.
This rubber is recommended to the wide range of players from the beginners to the top players.
The NITTAKU Fastarc S-1 rubber is Fast with an Arc!
NITTAKU Fastarc S-1 is the speed-oriented version of Nittaku newest rubber.
Utilizing a power topsheet and tension power sponge,
this rubber generates explosive power along with great spin.
Made in Germany.