bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : kuning
thickness : 2.2 mm
hardness : sangat empuk dan ringan
review :
Control : 87
Speed : 125
Spin : 128
Style : Spin Elastic
BOOST TS (Tension Sound) is the outstanding choice for offensive players of
almost all playing levels who like soft sponge. Boost TS has soft sponge that
gives a crisp clear sound when striking the ball.
Even though the sponge is soft the rubber generates very good speed.
The sponge on Boost TS rubber is softer than the sponge of Boost TC.
The sound and feeling of Boost TS is unsurpassed!
Boost TS enables offensive players of all abilities to play to their full potential.