bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : kuning
thickness : (lihat di bawah)
hardness : medium 35
review :
penjelasan thickness khusus produk ini :
di cover tertulis 1.4 – 1.7 mm.
ini adalah 1 produk yg sama, bukan bbrp produk dgn ketebalan yg berbeda.
supaya tidak bingung, ketebalan dianggap hanya ada : 1.7 mm
TSP Spectol Soft has been considered by many to be the finest pips out rubber in the world for many years. Many of the top world players have used Spectol.
Spectol offers the user a resistance to the opponents spins. It also offers excellent speed and the ability to produce shots that have a slight knuckle-ball effect that opponents can find tricky to follow.
TSP Spectol Soft gives you great control over your opponents spin. Spectol produces a unique kind of spin of its own that can be troublesome to your opponents. Spectol also produces excellent speed and greatly enhances the backhand side of shakehand players.
TSP Spectol, a pimple out rubber, with medium hard yellow sponge, is ideal for direct counter attacking tactics close to the table.
Made in Japan.
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