bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : oranye
thickness : 2.1 mm
hardness : 47.5 medium hard
review :
cover emas = versi baru, sedikit lebih empuk (47.5) daripada cover merah (50).
TCore Ace 2 GOLD Max Spin
Revolutionizing The Way
with Titanium Sponge & Mega Tension.
speed : extreme
spin : extreme+
ctrl : extreme+
TCORE ACE Series is a new standard rubber that combined the best manufacturing technology from Korea, China, and Germany. TLAB (Table Tennis R&D Institute) has analyzed a big data specifically on players preference, inclination and performance test to achieve a perfect product and a new paradigm.
Based on TLAB’s big data, we have combined the world-class German elastomer sponge and special coating foaming technology. We achieved a terrific synergy by collaborating with a company that has a long history of manufacturing over 45 years and a cutting-edge double-layer technology.
Approved by ITTF.
TCore is a Korean brand.
sponge made in Germany.
rubber made in China.
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