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produk ini HANDLE ST (straight, lurus, panjang) ~ LIHAT FOTO PERTAMA !
handle yang umum dipakai adalah FL (flared, mengembang, panjang).
~ membeli produk ini berarti anda mengerti & benar memilih HANDLE ST.
type : DEF
veneers : 5
thickness : 6.0 mm
weight : 90 gr
headsize : oversized 154 x 166 mm
review :
~ tanpa cover / dus asli.
Defensive wood with increased impact surface.
The LQ-2 is laid out somewhat more slowly than the LQ-1.
Nevertheless the play feeling is as European with the LQ-1 typically.
We recommend this blade to all players with that play frequently between classical defense and forehand attack.
In the passive play control is fantastic, with offensive play the striking power is also very good.
Made in China.