bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : – (maaf, karet Dawei tidak tentu warna spons-nya.
silakan pilih karet merk lain jika butuh warna spons tertentu)
thickness : 1.5 mm
hardness : medium hard
review :
SPIN 9++
Super Power 2008 is high speed and outstanding control.
Furthermore, it gives you a greater feeling for the ball.
This Excellent feeling for the ball not only at the faster speed but also at the better control .
As both the rubber surface and the sponge are flexible and highly resilient,
it catch and absorb the oncoming ball and catapult it back with your own speed and spin.
This process is very stable and produces extra control as well.
Super Power 2008 is special for technical players.