bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : merah
thickness : (lihat di bawah)
hardness : medium soft 40
review :
penjelasan thickness khusus produk ini :
di cover tertulis 2.0 – 2.1 mm.
ini adalah 1 produk yg sama, bukan bbrp produk dgn ketebalan yg berbeda.
supaya tidak bingung, ketebalan dianggap hanya ada : 2.1 mm
TSP Spectol has been a top-seller for decades and one of the best-known short pips-out rubbers worldwide. Numerous major championships were won by players using Spectol, and even today many top table tennis stars rely on the special features of this legendary pips-out rubber.
Spectol Red is the softer and faster version featuring integrated Dynamic Tension technology. The very light Japanese offensive sponge provides for unique catapult effect and tons of speed. The proven Spectol pips design provides for highly dangerous pips-out effects dreaded by so many table tennis players. The red high-performance sponge of Spectol Red is softer and faster than the sponge of Spectol Blue.
Made in Japan.
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