bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : putih
thickness : (lihat di bawah)
hardness : super soft 25
review :
penjelasan thickness khusus produk ini :
di cover tertulis 1.0 – 1.3 mm.
ini adalah 1 produk yg sama, bukan bbrp produk dgn ketebalan yg berbeda.
supaya tidak bingung, ketebalan dianggap hanya ada : 1.3 mm
The new version of the spinny pips-out rubber Super Spinpips Chop Sponge. While the tried-and-tested pips-out rubber sheet enables defence strokes with heavy backspin, the new extra-soft sponge absorbs much of the energy of your opponent‘s attacks, thus providing for maximum control. A pips-out rubber for modern defenders combining excellent spin characteristics with maximum control. In addition, the Super Spinpips Chop rubber sheet enables sudden close-to-the-table attacks. Super Spinpips Chop II was developed by the legendary defender, Koji Matsushita. With this rubber, Japanese super talent, Yuto Muramatsu, has become a world-class player within a very short time.
Made in Japan.