bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : krim
thickness : 2.0 mm
hardness : soft
review :
speed : 95
spin : 96
control : 72
Nittaku is ever-ready with the latest technology so Nittaku players will always be at the top of the game! Renanos Bright introduces IE, Integrated Energy, allowing for outstanding Power, Speed, Grip and Elasticity. IE combines natural and synthetic rubber to create a highly elastic top sheet, and an increase in the amount of synthetic rubber in the top sheet increases the power. With the ban of speed glue, players are demanding more power and speed without a loss of stability and touch. Experience the feeling of Integrated Energy – Don’t settle for less!
Soft version provides maximum spin potential and control.