bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia… langsung order gan!
warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : kuning
thickness : 2.2 mm
hardness : soft 36-38°
review :
ciri-ciri versi Japanese :
– di kiri atas ada sticker GP.
– karetnya lebih datar dengan bungkus vakum.
– spons lebih empuk, warna kuning.
Japanese sponge is lighter than normal version
Palio CJ8000 Biotech rubbers use the classic CJ8000 topsheet, fairly soft and half-tacky for
a very nice blend of speed and spin. The new topsheet will pick a ball up off the table when
pressed down onto it, but just for a moment.
Palio Biotech sponges place the topsheet under tension, giving an increase in speed, spin,
and overall performance over untensioned rubbers. Enjoy the performance and
the pleasing "click" sound when striking the ball, all for a great price!
The CJ8000 Biotech 36-38 degree rubber has a soft sponge for excellent looping performance
close to the table. It makes a great two-sided looping rubber, especially for the backhand.
It also makes a great forehand rubber for a harder blade or for anyone looking for spin and
control for looping.
Need a rubber to execute consistent loops for third ball attack or serve return?
This is a great option.
-Vacuum Packaging
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