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warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : krim
thickness : 2.0 mm (Super Thick)
hardness : hard 42.5
review :
Spin : 13.50
Speed : 16.50
Based on feedback from top players in the world, Nittaku has produced GENEXTION, the flagship rubber which reduces energy loss over 11%, plus you can feel a special soft touch although the actual rubber hardness is harder.
GENEXTION has amazing power even with small impact.
Specially recommended for high top players who want a strong 3rd ball shot plus the initiative in high speed top spin rallies.
The Nittaku GENEXTION Table Tennis Rubber introduces innovative rubber technology aimed at revolutionizing the game for the next generation.
Its “Dual Sponge” design enhances energy efficiency by 11% compared to conventional sponges.
This rubber offers a blend of power and control, allowing players to execute aggressive drives with a soft feel and precise operation.
With its ability to grip the ball firmly and produce sharp shots with increased flight distance, it heralds a new era in table tennis innovation.
Made in Germany.